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Herbal Musings

Has it ever occurred to you that maybe the reason why certain "weeds" grow abundantly is because we can benefit greatly from using them just as abundantly as they grow? Plantain is one of these abundantly available and abundantly useful herbs!

This recipe came from a good friend, who piles up crepes almost every Sunday for her kiddos and mine when he is there to gobble up. The full spread includes yogurt, various cream cheeses, fresh fruit, and jams. My heart is always simple with this one: "Lemon with powdered sugar, and put my berries on the side, please!"
It was a calling from beyond that I would change my life and live my passion by my hands. This is where Rose comes into my story. The plant and her abilities are strong, resolute, calming, cooling, and infiltrating. It is one of those smells that stays with me . . . if I tuck my head in a flower or pour a cup of rosebuds in my bath, they permeate.
Elderberry is an immune tonic that I like to use for the changing of the season, for back-to-school, for traveling, and for general wellness. It’s SWEET, so it is usually a remedy that kids actually enjoy. I use these immune-boosting berries in conjunction with other herbs, especially for colds and flus. 
I have teas for all of the seasons, moods, and ailments. When the summer heat makes me feel extra, I reach for the mood cooling magic of Tulsi Basil & Anise Hyssop. It's one of the many reasons I made our Deep Ahh tea - for when the world is just a little too much to handle and I need support. Add a few slices of cucumber and a squeeze of lemon and watch how that brings you to balance.
Oxymels are potent medicine and can be used in a healing protocol (especially for children), but I like to use them as a daily herbal boost to my food and beverages because oxymels are so tasty. I’m a strong believer in using herbs daily to keep your immune system strong and to aid in your body’s natural detoxification processes. So, let’s talk about how to incorporate oxymels into your routine to amplify your health . . .

I’m not one to tell people what todo (baahahhahahaha) yes, I am! Here are my little ways to keep you healthy this season.

Bundle Up: This is the EASIEST way I know to keep yourself well: to cover your throat and kidneys. I know it is Mom’s favorite thing to say, “Put a hat on!” and “Bundle bundle bundle up as much as you can!” Yes, this is one of the best ways to stay well. (don’t be a rebel here)  The kidneys (located on your back below your rib cage above your hips are sensitive and powerful organs. They control the heat what goes in and out. So keeping the heat in is crucial for staying healthy. With your throat and neck are sensitive to all the dryness and are where infection starts.  As the dry or damp, colder months come in our bodies are open to infection so covering your neck with a scarf and your kidneys with a solid coat are one way for wind to not enter the body. And “wind” moves the body to be unwell. It’s a little more complicated than that but try it!

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