Herbal Musings
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Herbal Musings
Has it ever occurred to you that maybe the reason why certain "weeds" grow abundantly is because we can benefit greatly from using them just as abundantly as they grow? Plantain is one of these abundantly available and abundantly useful herbs!
- anti-inflammatory
- back-to-school wellness
- black elderberry
- black elderberry syrup
- cardiovascular health
- changing seasons
- cold
- colds
- crud buster
- elderberry syrup
- elderflower
- flu
- flus
- general wellness
- immune tonic
- immune-boosting
- immunity
- rheumatism
- traveling wellness
- vitality
- by Blair Boswell
- July 26, 2019
- 4 min read
- by Colleen OBryant
- July 09, 2019
- 2 min read
I’m not one to tell people what todo (baahahhahahaha) yes, I am! Here are my little ways to keep you healthy this season.
Bundle Up: This is the EASIEST way I know to keep yourself well: to cover your throat and kidneys. I know it is Mom’s favorite thing to say, “Put a hat on!” and “Bundle bundle bundle up as much as you can!” Yes, this is one of the best ways to stay well. (don’t be a rebel here) The kidneys (located on your back below your rib cage above your hips are sensitive and powerful organs. They control the heat what goes in and out. So keeping the heat in is crucial for staying healthy. With your throat and neck are sensitive to all the dryness and are where infection starts. As the dry or damp, colder months come in our bodies are open to infection so covering your neck with a scarf and your kidneys with a solid coat are one way for wind to not enter the body. And “wind” moves the body to be unwell. It’s a little more complicated than that but try it!
- by Colleen OBryant
- November 29, 2018
- 3 min read